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Monthly Programs

At each guild meeting, we have a program  designed to educate members about different aspects of quilting.  We have demonstrations and presentations with a very focused topic.  Past topics have included binding, entering a quilt in a show, Dear Jane, longarm quilting, specific block construction, and the history of fabric.


Sew Days and Classes

We have classes taught by guild members for little or no cost to participants.  We have sew days to work on guild projects or to just sew with friends.


Show and Tell


At each monthly meeting, we ask members to show projects that they have completed and share information about their quilt.

This provides us with ideas and inspiration.   Members have the opportunity to ask questions and get information about different styles of quilts.




Every year we hold classes and Trunk Shows with nationally recognized teachers.  Previously,  we hosted Lynette Edens, The Gypsy Quilter, and Edyta Sitar of Laundry Basket Quilts.   We have also hosted Pam Buda of Homespun Quilts, Suzi Patron, The Barn Quilt Lady, and Mike Flynn of Quilting Treasures.



Lend a helping hand with this program.


East Pasco Quilt Guild

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